Saturday, September 12, 2009


October 24, 2009 5k WALK/RUN

This past summer my mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. She has had a few chemo treatments and is hanging in there like a champ. Even though she is pretty sick and warn out she just keeps going,going,going, going, going and GOING!! She is AMAZING... I don't know how she does it, but what I do know is that she supports the scarfs like no one I have ever seen. It's no fair, I would look ridiculous if I lost all my hair...but not mom she looks BEAUTIFUL no matter what! (We LOVE you MOM)!

We are just giving a heads-up for anyone who would like to help support...

We are holding a 5k walk/run for her on October 24, 2009 at Sugar House Park in Salt Lake. For more information on the race you can go to Also, if you would like to help support and cannot make it to the race there is a donation account at Zions bank, called, "The Karen Lewis Donation."
any support would be great! Please keep her in your prayers!!

Thank you!
Amber & Family xoxo


~..kass..~ said...


krista jo said...

Amber, I didn't know about this until I am totally in for the run, I am pretty sure we will be in town!

What a great thing you guys are doing...especially what your mama is doing! My prayers are with her and your fam :)

p.s. Let me know if you need help with anything for the run (don't know what I would do, but I would love to help if there is something!)

Aubrey & Garrett Frei said...

What a blessing for your mom to have such an incredible daughter to stand behind her and support her. We love you both and pray for the best. Please let us know if you need anything. Love you.

ME said...

I am going to try so hard to be at the race...I am going to register and I want a shirt!!! Your mom is beautiful!

Marcie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mom! I love your mom! She is always such a SWEETHEART whenever I see her. I wont be able to make it up to the walk (what a great idea by the way) but I will most defintely keep her in my prayers (and you too!)