Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FiRst TiMe in the SUN thIs SuMmer!!! I loVe the SumMer!!!!


beck said...

CUTE suit! Where did you get it!

beck said...

haha! I was laughing out loud at that triathlon story. :) that's how i would be right now . . . hence the lessons. :) I will let you know how it goes!

dg said...


Thanks for the cute comment. I looked at your blog all the time and then you didn't post forever and so I stopped.

I am glad you posted because it is so fun to see how you are doing. You two look like a cute couple. You are a tiny thing!

I love your apartment it is so so cute. The bathroom is awesome. This is kind of a long comment. What can I say I miss Ya.


P.S I was going through pictures on my computer and found some of your toga party. Good times.

Lindsay said...

Amber you and your hubby are so hot! cutest couple!

Heidi said...

you are totally on my friend link:) and i stock your blog too! and you are so pretty and skinny! love you bambi! ha remember that?!?

Camie said...

you are one hot mamacita!! But hold up...this is your first time int he sun this summer?? What happened to laying out the beginnig of March when the forecast was 69-70 degrees?

Camie said...
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Rob and Toni said...

Hey Birthday friend! Good to see that you are so happy!! Congratulations on getting married and such!

Kim said...

you are posting more than me now. Atta girl bambi. I gotta get back on the wagon. I miss you

Kyler and Hillary said...

amb bone! hello! I have not checked your blog in forever...shame on me and you have updated so much! Amb...k you guys are so cute and fun. I love you. I also love that he drives that ugly station wagon...I have every right in the world to call that thing ugly because kyler has a stationwagon that I hate but like at the same time too. haha.
second of all...I am obsessed with your apartment! that is the nicest thing. I would be in heaven living there because I love the wood floors and white cabinets and all your furniture! where did you get all that great stuff! perfectly vintage and I love it.
Amber I miss and love you. Hope I get to see you around sometime soon!!!

Anonymous said...

holy crap i click on your blog and theres all sortsa new updates..i guess i need to check more often now that you've jumped into the blog world are so dang cute! and ps..have you heard of food? haha! love you am!

April said...

Love these pictures! You look so skinny... and happy!! Good for you! Where did you meet your hubby? You two look to cute together.